Saturday, 21 July 2018

Raag Hansdhwani

Hi Learners,
Today I am going tell you about Raag Hansdhwani. It is one of the basic Raga for beginner.
There are five notes(swar) in both ascending and descending order.The detailing of the raag is as follow:

Note- Normally written swaras (individual notes) indicate the middle octave. A swara immediately followed by 1 indicates the mandra saptak (lower octave) and ' indicates the taar saptak (higher octave)
Raag                     :  Hansdhwani
That                      :  Bilaval
Aroh                     :  S R G P N S'
Avroh                   :  S' N P G R S
Vadi                     :  P ( Pancham )
Samvadi               :  S' (Shadaj )
Pakad & Chalan   :  GR G P, P N S'
Time                     :  Evening or First period of Sandhya
Rasa or Mood      : Bhakti (Devotional) and Shant rasa