Monday, 30 January 2017

Basics Alankar for practice

I am giving some alankar for bansuri. You should practice these first very slowly and then take it up to 8 notes per beats. So these are as follow.
1.  Up - S R G M P D N Ś
    Down - Ś N D P M G R S

 2. Up - S R, RG, GM, MP, PD, DN, NS'
     Down - NS', DN, PD, MP, GM, RG, SR

3. Up- RS, GR, MG, PM, DP, ND, S'N
    Down- S'N, ND, DP, PM, MG, GR, RS

4. Up- S-, R-, G-, M-, P-, D-, N-, S'-

5- Up- -S, -R, -G, -M, -P, -D, -N, -S'

6. Up- SG, RM, GP, MD, PN, DS'

7. Up- SM, RP, GD, MN, PS'

8. Up- SP, RD, GN, MS'

9. Up- SD, RN, GS'

10. UP- SN, RS'

11. Up- SS'